An wonderful donation of a Zeiss Humphrey Optical Field Analyser has been donated from Wanganui Hospital via Mr Mike Webber. NZOM for use in the Rose Cambodia Sight Center. This advanced instrument will enable a full detailed analyisis of sight problems of the patients coming to the clinic for help.
The Rose Cambodia Sight Center helps around 10,000 poor Cambodians per year, many who need operations to prevent blindness or restore sight. Founded in 1998, the center was robbed, looted and almost destroyed in 2001. The stolen equipment, as well as its vehicles were traced to the premises of a nearby expatriate managed clinic, but despite requests were never returned. Despite these crimes the Sight Center has helped 90,000 poor Cambodians to date and is now one of Cambodia’s leading centers.
Rose Charities New Zealand’s Mr Mike Webber NZOM, Dr David Sabistron NZOM, and Mr John Veale have been pivotal in bringing the clinic to its current status, with regular teaching visits, and obtaining donations of equipment and funds. Dr Hang Vra, Director of the Clinic is acclaimed by many international observers as being a ‘superb eye surgeon’ of the highest order.
Dame Silvia Cartwright PCNZM, DBE, QSO, DStJ,( the 18th Gov General of NZ) has honoured Rose Charities NZ as being a Patron of the organization. Dame Silvia has recently been one of the main expatriate judges in the current Khmer Rouges war trials in Camboida
Image shows the Zeiss Humphrey Field Analyser, prior to shipping to Cambodia